Latest publications

Positive Effect of Acetylation on Proteomic Analysis Based on Liquid Chromatography with Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization and Photoionization Mass Spectrometry
Molecules 28 (9): 3711 (2023)
Search for lipidized PrRP analogs with strong anorexigenic effect: In vitro and in vivo studies
Neuropeptides 98: 102319 (2023)
A Novel Truncated Liver Enriched Antimicrobial Peptide-2 Palmitoylated at its N-Terminal Antagonizes Effects of Ghrelin
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 383 (2): 129–136 (2022)
Utility of Atmospheric-Pressure Chemical Ionization and Photoionization Mass Spectrometry in Bottom-Up Proteomics
Separations 9 (2): 42 (2022)